Cropped Out
This week I have chosen to focus on the work of Richard Manning. Manning has produced several works grounded on many environmental and social issues of our era. Since we explored permaculture last week, this week I would like to focus on Richard Manning’s work on the topic of agriculture. In his book, titled Against the Grain , subtitled How Agriculture has Hijacked Civilization , Manning offers an in-depth and pragmatic view of the so called “progress in food production”. Manning poses the idea that wheat has domesticated man - in contrast to the opposite - and exposes the truth about the very unsustainable practices of agriculture. Manning delves on the idea of how agriculture stripped man’s of his “genetic heritage and freedom to wander and hunt and gather”. Humanity became dependent and highly addicted to grains, thus prisoners of the agricultural systems that severely changed societies. Because of agriculture, humans no longer had to live like nomads...